Code Snippet Slide 20

//For loop to iterate through all the incoming Account records for(Account a: accounts) { //THIS FOLLOWING QUERY IS INEFFICIENT AND DOESN'T SCALE //Since the SOQL Query for related Contacts is within the FOR loop, if this //trigger is initiated //with more than 100 records, the trigger will exceed the trigger governor limit //of maximum 100 SOQL Queries. *List contacts = [select id, salutation, firstname, lastname, email from Contact where accountId = :a.Id]; for(Contact c: contacts) { c.Description=c.salutation + ' '+ c.firstName + ' ' + c.lastname; //THIS FOLLOWING DML STATEMENT IS INEFFICIENT AND DOESN'T SCALE //Since the UPDATE DML (data manipulation language) operation is within the FOR loop, if this trigger is //initiated with more than 150 records, the trigger will exceed the trigger //governor limit of 150 DML Operations maximum. *update c; } }
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